Computer Classes
(310) 657-8632
Microsoft Excel, Intuit QuickBooks, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook classes Los Angeles
Learn More Earn More
Hands-on, Live, Interactive, Certificate Classes, Los Angeles

Microsoft Outlook Classes
Microsoft Outlook is used for scheduling appointment, Email, Notes, Tasks and more

Microsoft PowerPoint Classes
Microsoft PowerPoint allows the user to create Presentations, Slides, Overheads, Handouts, Organizational Charts, and more.

Private/Personal Classes
Private Lessons, One-on-One, Individual, Personal Training, Corporate Group Computer Classes.

Learn how to use the internet and send and receive email. Learn how to use the Internet, browse to different Websites, purchase items online, favorites, use different search engine, create email account, login and logout, send, receive, attach files to your email, reply and forward email.

To register for a class please call
Computer Classes (310) 657-8632